Koko Rosette: New York Fashion Designer
Rodale’s Organic Life Masthead (Option One)
Rodale’s Organic Life Masthead (Final)
Master Sergeant Deck of Cards | Custom Lettering and Design
Patrick & Co.
Leo Schachter Diamonds
Tsfat Mikveh Education Center
World BBQ & Grill
Orange Catering | Identity featured in How and Novum
Alibaba of the West Side Restaurant
Grassini Family Vineyards designed for Duffy & Partners | The Type Directors Club Award Winner
A hand-affixed, letterpressed paper label, signed and numbered by the vinter, wraps an Italian-imported, metallic screenprinted-etched bottle that is capped off with a hand-dipped wax seal for the ultimate finish.
Grassini Family Vineyards, Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara, California. Photograph via Duffy & Partners
Go to Duffy & Partners to see how their expert team continues to expand the robust brand — more exquisite wines, wearable gift items, a leather-embossed menu, a laser-engraved and gold-stamped crate....
Nahmias Et Fils Distillery
Legs Diamond White Whiskey and Mahia Eau de Vie | Featured in How and Novum
Roberto Vascon Luxury Handbags
JGEREN Luxury Leather
Your Building Solution Inc \ Communication Arts Typography Award Winner
Clear Me Gem Aromatherapy Spray
La Ligature
Retress Hair Care System
Go For It Design Ltd | Print Regional Design Award Winner